I notice 0kcal and non-calorie food. There are many 0kcal and non-calorie food. For example, diet coke,sports drink, diet beer and so on. They do not contain fat or sugar that make us full so we cannot get full. So, we have to pay attention to limit meals. If you want to lose your weight, you have to eat low-calorie food and get your stomach smaller at first.And, 0kcal or non-caroly has calories less than 5kcal per 100 grams so you eat too much these food, you will bring about caroly over. This site and this site have good information.

1.Preventing diseases. It spreads joints and improves flexibilities of body.
2.Making flow of bloods smooth. It improves healing and makes faster recovery of fatigues.
3.Relaxing body and spirit.
4.Preventing asing. It stimulates muscle.
I found a good site.This site includes variety kind of stretch.

There are many goods for stretch. One of them is balance ball. We can do many stretching using it like this. It's one of popular goods recently. You can buy it easily and exercise with a lot of fun.